polypasta - lupadesign oak smoked texture - table and bench
Here we would like to share a special oak texture with you. This is smoked oak that is also used for the cutting boards you can find here:
We packed it with a simple dining table and bench for a clean and minimalistic design.
- Cinema 4D + Octane (.c4d)
- .fbx, .obj
- Albedo
- Normal
- Displacement
Texture Size:
- 15477 x 7079 px (table)
- 15236 x 3602 px (bench)
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Formats: Cinema 4D + Octane
other: .fbx, .obj
Texture Size: 8K
Shader tree for table material.
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About us: We are a creative CGI studio based in Dortmund, Germany and we want to give our community some high quality products that we use as well for our own renderings on a daily basis. Mostly we use photogrammetry for our scans with a special lighting technique.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback to improove your 3D workflow or if you need anything specific.